Bullying affects people of all ages in a number of different ways. Many people are first bullied by others before they come to adopt the behavior themselves. Whether a person is bullied and a bully or just one or the other the effects it has on them can be long lasting.Types Of BulliesTo understand how does bullying affect people it is important to be familiar with the different types of bullies. These include narcissistic/sadistic, imitative, impulsive, physical, verbal, impulsive, subordinate, pair, gang, pressure, regulation, residual, client, institutional and corporate bullying.The Triggers Of BulliesThere are several factors that can trigger the actions of any bully. These are envy, jealousy, a feeling of invisibility in their home life, emotionally distant parents and both physical and verbal abuse.Psychological Effects Of Being BulliedAccording to a 2013 article in Forbes Magazine the psychological effects of being bullied can and do stay with people for a long time.The effects are particularly bad for those who have been bullied, more so than for the ones that acted like bullies. The Journal of the American Medical Association ran the results of a study that followed kids who were bullied or were bullies, from their childhood straight through to adulthood. The study was conducted in Northern California on students at the ages of 9, 11 and 13, most of whom were contacted again as adults. Of the people that participated in this study 5% were only bullies themselves and 21% were only the victims of other bullies. A reported 4.5% of the study participants reported that they had been both the bullied and the bully.Between the ages of 19 and 26 the participants in this study were contacted on a follow up basis. The results were that people who had been bullied as a child are more likely to suffer from anxiety, panic and depressive disorders as well as agoraphobia. Of the participants who experienced bullying from both sides 25% of them reported that they had had suicidal thoughts in their early adult years as a result. These participants have a high risk of developing an antisocial personality disorder. In comparison, roughly 38% of the participants who were both bullied and bullies now have have a panic disorder to deal with.The Effect Of Experiencing Bullying During ChildhoodIn schools across the country one of every five children has been the victim of bullying. There is a cycle that kids who experience bullying go through. It starts with students who assume a leadership role among their peers and use that to bully others. Kids in this role often have many of their classmates following them. While a bully’s followers don’t usually engage in bullying themselves they do nothing to discourage it either. Supporters and others who do nothing to stop bullies are often referred to as passive bullies. These kids regularly draw attention the actions of a bully, but they do not participate in those actions. Passive supporters of bullies and their actions don’t express their support for the bullies, but they secretly enjoy watching others get bullied. Kids who witness bullying but don’t care about it are called disengaged onlookers. These kids either tell themselves to watch the bully at work or that it is none of their business what the bully is doing. Other kids witness the bullying and disapprove of it but they don’t help the person being bullied even though they want to. Other kids will step up to defend a friend or classmate from a bully.Kids who strictly watch others being bullied but don’t step in often act this way out of fear. They feel powerless and guilty because they are not helping whoever is being bullied. While they may feel a temptation to participate in the bullying they usually won’t give in to do so. Kids who are always the bully often find themselves engaged in fist fights, vandalizing property and items that do not belong to them and perceive school as a negative place to be.While many bullies regularly have behavior problems not all of them do. Many of them have strong social skills and know how to fit in with both their peers and the adults around them. This is more often the case with female bullies than with male bullies.The problem with this is that most parents assume that a female student would never become a bully and they often don’t believe it if their daughter is accused of bullying. This makes it easier for females to get away with bullying.The Fate Of A Bullied ChildIn May of 2010 an 11 year old in Oklahoma named Ty Field Smiley killed himself as a result of having been bullied by classmates. The day he killed himself he had been suspended from school for sticking up to a bullying who had been harassing him for the entire duration of the school year. When he was suspended his mother picked him up at school, drove him home and told him to do chores and homework while she went back to work. However, Ty had other plans that involved going into his parent’s bedroom, getting their gun and shooting himself in the head. While the boy’s parents reported that for the duration of that school year and the previous one their son was bullied at school the school’s district offices denied this claim.How School Students Are Affected By BullyingWhen bullying is allowed to take place in schools the entire environment is affected and the students feel this effect the most. Students then become disrespectful and fearful of their school which can lead to behavior problems. It also makes it more difficult for students to learn and take full advantage of the education they are being offered. Students often start to become insecure and look for excuses to avoid going to school at all.They feel unsafe at school because they believe no one will do anything to stop the bullying. Many times those who have been bullied in elementary, middle or high school often choose not to go to college because they fear the bullying will simply continue while they are there. They may also continue to experience bullying in their personal and work lives throughout the course of their adult life.The school environment puts perceived pressure on many teens to keep their mouths shut when they witness bullying, in order to maintain friendships with their classmates. Teenagers often feel isolated when they publicly stick up for a friend who has been bullied, so they tend to look the other way when it happens. At the other end of the spectrum is the kids who are being bullied. These kids often have a hard time making friends because their classmates perceive them negatively if they are frequently bullied by their peers.Preventing School BullyingIn Michigan there are now 37 laws designed to prevent the act of bullying. Despite these laws, many schools have been forced to go to court when the parent of a bullied child decides to take legal action against the school. Some of these lawsuits have resulted in schools having to pay millions of dollars in damage.Students can help prevent bullying in a number of different ways. Any student that is being bullied by a classmate needs to speak up about the bullying rather than ignore it. They are advised to tell their teachers as well as their parents. It is helpful if students who are being bullied are able to hide their fear, as showing fear makes them more vulnerable to attacks from their classmates and peers. Many bullies act out against other children because they find it easy to attack kids who are weaker than they are. Anyone being bullied that can give an outward appearance of confidence can often deflect the bullies on their own. Once they realize they are not getting any attention as a result of bullying an individual they will back off because there is nothing in it for them.When students feel threatened by others they need to call immediate attention to the situation. Verbally alerting those around them to the bullying taking place can help divert it. Those who are bullied at any age are urged to speak out about their experience. This gives others around them the strength to tell their own stories of bullying, which spreads awareness of the problem and can sometimes even help prevent it from happening in the future.
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When Good Things Happen To Bad People | lasvegasweldingsupplies.info
“A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.” – GoetheThe title of this article is, of course, a take-off on the popular 1978 book, When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Over the years, my own answer to the question of why bad things happen to good people has changed dramatically. For example, in my 20’s, I may have responded that life is inherently unfair. A decade or so later, I would have played the karma card – bad things happen to good people as karmic retribution for misdeeds in a past life.Now, however, with my understanding of the Law of Attraction, I am clear that:Bad things happen to good people for the same reason that good things happen to bad people.And what could that reason possibly be?Because we attract what we focus on – no matter how “good” or “bad” our behavior is.[For this article, let’s define good people as those who behave in ways you approve of and bad people as those who behave in ways you don’t approve of.]It doesn’t matter whether you ask the question – “Why do good things happen to bad people?” or “Why do bad things happen to good people? – the answer is the same. Everything we experience in our life – the wanted, the unwanted, the health, the illness, the wealth, the poverty – is a reflection of our thoughts and feelings.It can be confusing to see someone who exhibits what you consider to be egregious behavior, get away with it and even prosper.And it can be equally confusing to see someone who appears to be especially kind and loving, consistently experience difficulties and setbacks.Where’s the justice?Our sense of right and wrong is sorely challenged as the Wall Street bankers who caused the mortgage crisis escape prosecution and continue to rake in millions, while one middle class family after another faces foreclosure [yes, it’s still happening.]But here’s the thing: If the Wall Street banker fat cat has a strong belief that everything always works out well for him and a certainty that prosperity is his birthright, then that’s what he’ll experience.Likewise, if the hard working, church going, tax paying middle class family spends a lot of quality time worrying about losing their jobs and feeling fearful about not having enough money to pay the bills, then they’re [I’m sorry, I know this sucks] attracting the very things they don’t want.But what if reward and punishment aren’t actually based on behavior?What if we’ve been working from a flawed premise?What if the Law of Attraction is right and we really are attracting everything we experience in accordance with our thoughts, beliefs and expectations?Then, life is fair after all.In fact, life has no choice but to be fair because the Law of Attraction, like the Law of Gravity, makes no exceptions and refuses to discriminate. Both good people and bad people fall to the ground if they walk off a building. And both good people and bad people attract their circumstances as a direct result of their thoughts and feelings.I don’t know about you, but I like knowing this.I like knowing we don’t attract our circumstances based on our behavior.I like knowing we attract our circumstances based on the thoughts we choose to think.I like knowing that, when we choose thoughts that feel good, we attract that which we consider to be good. And vice versa.With this knowing, all we have to do to attract our dreams rather than our nightmares is to consciously choose positive, good feeling thoughts rather than defaulting into negative, bad feeling thoughts. As my Mike Dooley coffee mug reminds me every morning:Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones!
This Evil People Which Refuse to Hear My Words: Jeremiah 14:10 | lasvegasweldingsupplies.info
Most who read the Old Testament see a far different God to that of the New Testament and for good reason. The former is the Great Spirit of the Universe and the latter is the Trinity god-head borrowed from the Vedic Trinity of India. There is nothing of any likeness between the two and this is what makes the controversy in the bible that many cannot by-pass.Only when the New Testament is cast aside and the prophecies of the other are read with an open mind can the reality of what they are saying be fully realised. Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit I was called to tear down the wall of churches and bring back the young. The commission came with mighty power as did the next: “take me off the cross.”That same power led me to research all that a Roman Emperor did when these words stood in the air before my face in large capital letters: CONSTANTINE IS 666. Before long his work was laid before me as one of the greatest frauds of history.In Revelation 13:13-18 it states clearly that he invented Jesus Christ and had the power to give this image a voice to speak and to deceive all who dwell on earth. He was descended from the Amors who resided in Babylon and whose Mother God was Mary, the sun-star at the peak of the ziggurat.The Amors built Roma (reverse Amor) and took their Islamic religion with them into all regions they dominated as the Romans. While there has been a lot of camouflage, removal of documents, forgeries and deceit the facts could never be hidden. The Spirit led me to them through the language and the meaning of symbols and sounds.This allowed me to read the past like a book. The sun is the chief god over the earth to this day. It has many titles, names and idols created to worship it. What Constantine did was to blind people and make them deaf to prophecies such as this: “This evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk in the imagination of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing.” Jeremiah 13:10As mankind chases after the sun, which has no power as a god, the real God has promised to do away with everyone who cannot see the deceit and who pleasures in their vanity. There are no other gods but the Spirit and that is what the children of my commission must realise.